The Register was established in 1969 and has approximately 600 members. The aim of the Register is to encourage the preservation and maintenance of Vintage Austin motor vehicles designed up to and including 31 December 1939; to obtain and conserve books and historical records relating to such vehicles: and to engage in activities relating to these vehicles. From May 2000 some post-war vehicles whose design features pre-date December 1939 were accepted into the register.
Members are able to purchase a wide range of spares from the Spares Register, and an extensive library enables the archivist to answer questions relating to details of these vehicles.
Vehicle details are held by the Vehicles Register who is able to assist with the dating of vehicles.
The Club sends out a quarterly magazine that is the envy of other clubs both in quality and content.
Our members enjoy rallies, tours and local meetings which are specifically planned to suit vintage Austin cars.
By becoming a member one will join a like-minded group of people who appreciate and enjoy the intrinsic qualities of the products of ‘Herbert Austin’.
Peter Fry 11 Kare Kare Rd, Raumati South 📞 021 140 4309
Spares Register:
Evan Hamblin 8 Harrall Place, Kaiapoi 7691 📞 (03) 327 5399 📧 spares@austin.co.nzm
Editor and Archivist:
Sandra Newell 40 Whitcombe Pl, RD1, Darfield 7571 📞(03) 317 9111 📧 editor@austin.co.nz
Digital Manager:
Brigitte Glasson 📧 varwebsitenz@gmail.com
A7CA. Rep:
Judith Stephens 📞 (03) 382 9199 📧 vara7canz@gmail.com
Hon. Solicitor:
Jeremy Glasgow, (Glasgow Harley – Nelson)
UK A7 Magazine
The UK A7 Magazine is supplied to New Zealanders on a quarterly basis and distributed to subscribers within New Zealand. This magazine has many helpful helpful hints and information to enjoy the reading about Austin’s. Also many stories of the great outings that it run over in England, some worthwhile and interesting articles are published.
The magazine subscription for one year (4 magazines) is $32.00 currently.
If you would like to subscribe to the magazine please contact:
Judith Stephens 📞 (03) 382 9199 📧 varnzA7CA@gmail.com
Ryan Oliver (Vice President)
📧 southisland1@austin.co.nz
📞 03 544 5661 Nelson
Robert Trompetter
📧 southisland2@austin.co.nz
📞 021 173 9053 Dunedin
Pat Bren
📧 president@austin.co.nz
📞 06 844 4265 Hawkes Bay
Brigitte Glasson
📧 secretary@austin.co.nz
📞 021 065 7125 Christchurch
Diane Friis
📧 treasurer@austin.co.nz
📞 06 870 0379 Hawkes Bay

Dee Humphreys
📧 northisland1@austin.co.nz
📞 09 446 0916 Auckland
Mike Stuart
📧 northisland2@austin.co.nz
📞 027 442 9302 Hawkes Bay