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Model, Total in Club (in brackets), Types

1910 Veteran 7 Roadster (1)

1910 Veteran 18/24 Ranelagh (1)

1912 - 1913 Veteran 10 Coupe (2)

1924 - 1931 Austin 7 (293)
Box Saloon, Chummy, Fabric saloons, Gordon, Scout, Specials, Top Hats, Vans

1932-1939 Austin 7 (280)
Box Saloon, Opal, Ruby, Specials, Vans

1937 - 1939 Austin Big 7 (38)

1939 Austin 8 Tourer

1932 - 1947 Austin 10/4 (104)
Cambridge, Colwyn, Lichfield, Sherborne

1922 - 1930 Austin 12/4 Heavy (79)
Burnham, Clifton, Windsor

1931 - 1939 Austin 12/4 Light (25)
Ascot, Harley

1930 - 1936 Austin 12/6 (25)
Ascot, Harley

1937 Austin 14/4 (1)
New Ascot

1935 - 1938 Austin 14/6 (6)

1946 - 1948 Austin 16/4 (3)

1928 - 1932 Austin 16/6 (37)
Burnham, Open Road Tourer, Windsor

1933 - 1938 Austin 18-6 (12)
Berkeley, Carlton, Hertford, Iver, Windsor, York

1924 20/4 Tourer
925 Austin Vehicles in total!!!
241 are in bits or are under restoration
684 are motorable
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